Ask Your Dentist About Botox and Dermal Fillers

Your teeth are an extremely impactful part of your face, but not the only one. At Symmetry Dental, our cosmetic dentistry focuses on maintaining and improving the appearance of your teeth and gums to ensure they contribute to a confident, easy, and natural smile. Our goal is to have your teeth look their best so that you feel your best, including feeling confident enough to smile broadly for the whole world.

If your goal to unleash your brightest and most confident smile extends beyond the health and appearance of your gums and teeth, your dentist in Cranbrook can provide even more cosmetic options. We support our patients’ goals to present the best version of themselves by offering Botox injections to reduce and eliminate wrinkles.

Our goal is to give you teeth and gums to smile about! If you smile so broadly that your face displays character lineswrinkles, or crows feet around your mouth, eyes, and eyebrows, we can help you eliminate them using Botox and fillers.

What can Botox do for you?

Botox is a drug produced from a neurotoxin derived from a bacterium called Clostridium botulinumBotox has a very unique effect when it is injected into a muscle. What happens? When Botox is injected into a muscle, the nerve signal directing that muscle to contract is interrupted. That means the muscle stays in an entirely relaxed position.

If Botox is injected into muscles around your lips, eyes, and eyebrows, those muscles won’t contract and display wrinkles on your face when you smile. And, if we’ve done our job right with the rest of our cosmetic dentistry services, you’ll have plenty to smile about.

We can apply Botox in Cranbrook on a preventative basis if your goal is to keep worry lines and the like at bay. Preventative Botox applications involve lower doses sufficient to eliminate the earliest sign of wrinkles that might otherwise deepen over time. If you have existing wrinkles and want to be rid of them — perhaps to best frame your newly bright and straight smile — a dentist near you can provide strategically located Botox injections on a maintenance basis. You can expect the best and most consistent results by receiving injections every three to four months.

What can dermal fillers do?

Fillers are also a method of reducing the appearance of lines and wrinkles on your face. Fillers are also applied by injection, but work very differently than Botox. Fillers are a gel-like substance that your dentist in Cranbrook can place underneath your skin in priority areas to smoothen and fill out the surface. The effect of placing those fillers under the skin is to soften the creases and wrinkles where you don’t want them.

Fillers are a versatile product that can be used for more than the elimination of wrinkles and lines in your skin. Are you disappointed by lips that seem thin, troubled by recessed scars, or plagued with facial contours that cast gloomy shadows? Your dentist in Cranbrook and their staff can strategically place fillers under your skin to plump your lips, lift recessed scars, and eliminate shadow-projecting contours.

Depending on the depth and location of wrinkles that are detracting from your preferred appearance, we may recommend deep Botox treatment to address wrinkles caused by the loss of collagen and volume in your skin. Deep Botox treatments combined with the injection of dermal fillers are an ideal combination of strategies for those deepest wrinkles.

Are you interested in learning how fillers and Botox in Cranbrook can contribute — along with maintaining a healthy complexion and excellent skin hydration — to your ideal and preferred appearance? Our cosmetic dentistry goal is straightforward. To brighten your smile by giving you the teeth you’ve dreamed of. If you feel like Botox treatments and fillers may help you achieve your goals and have you smiling even more broadly, contact us right away about Botox near you.

Address: 25 12th Ave S #2, Cranbrook, BC V1C 2R8, Canada

An Introduction to Cosmetic Botox Treatment From Your Dentist

What is the first thing that you think of when you hear the word “Botox?” We don’t know the answer, for sure, but we have a hunch that it is probably not “dentist.” Maybe it should be!

Your dentist in Cranbrook is an expert in the structures and muscles of your face, not just your jaw. Your dentist has always been committed to helping you achieve your cosmetic goals. Botox treatment is just one more way that they do that. It’s another element in a suite of cosmetic treatments ranging from teeth straightening to teeth whitening, veneers and more. Here’s a brief introduction to Botox treatment you can receive from a dentist near you.

What is Clostridium Botulinum?

“Botox” is one of those words that has become very common in popular culture and media. How often do we actually go behind the word to discover what it really means?

Botox is a neurotoxic protein. It is based on a toxin produced by a bacteria called Clostridium botulinum. If it sounds strangely familiar, the same toxin causes a form of food poisoning called botulism.) How does it beautify your appearance, though? When strategically placed, botulinum toxin interferes with the release of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine from nerve endings where nerves meet muscles. Essentially, botulinum toxin temporarily paralyzes the muscle by preventing it from being triggered by the nerve. By preventing the muscles from constricting, Botox smoothes lines and creases that are created by the constriction of those muscles. For a few months at a time, the surface of your face will appear smoother.

Receiving cosmetic Botox in Cranbrook does not reduce the sensitivity of the affected area. It can reduce the expressiveness of certain portions of your face, though. The ability to make some tiny microexpressions is affected by the fact that some muscles are temporarily unable to constrict to change the surface appearance of your skin. It’s a downside, but also the very point of Botox in the first place.

Cosmetic Botox treatment for your dentist

Dentists are able to provide Botox treatment in Cranbrook as safely and effectively as any dermatologist, physician or plastic surgeon. For many people, the chance to bundle cosmetic Botox in Cranbrook with dental appointments saves them time and inconvenience.

In as little five to 15 minutes — and without any need for recovery time — your dentist can provide cosmetic Botox near you. Many people find it convenient to schedule short Botox appointments over a lunch break or before work if they’re not combining Botox treatment with regular dental care. It’s that easy to make Botox treatment a regular part of your routine.

Some of the most common locations for Botox injections are on patients’ forehead to reduce wrinkles, at the corners of patients’ eyes to reduce “crow's feet” and between your eyebrows. Botox is ideal for smoothening dynamic wrinkles, wrinkles caused by movement. If patients are concerned with static wrinkles — wrinkles caused by loss of fat and tissue with age — your dentist in Cranbrook will offer dermal fillers to plump up the areas beneath those wrinkles. Dermal fillers are commonly used to fill out thin lips, laugh lines and cheeks.

Be sure to talk to your dentist about your cosmetic goals. If there are any aspects of your face that do not meet your expectations — teeth and gums, yes, but relating to your skin as well — let your dentist know. A dentist in Cranbrook will describe the full range of cosmetic resources they can make available to you to help you to achieve your goals.

Address: 25 12th Ave S #2, Cranbrook, BC V1C 2R8, Canada

How To Prevent Oral Injuries and Even Concussions With Mouth Guards

Did you know that the greatest number of sports injuries affecting British Columbia athletes occurs amongst people aged 10 to 19? For kids aged 10 to 14, the biggest risk of injury is posed by tobogganing. Beyond the age of 15, though, the biggest risks are posed by sports like football, rugby, soccer, hockey, skateboarding, diving and being hit by a ball in all kinds of different sports — recreational or competitive.

Too many of those injuries are inflicted on the mouths and teeth of young athletes. Oral injuries may involve chipped, cracked and broken teeth, lacerations and bruises — and may also involve head injuries and concussions. In 2014/2015 alone, 6,800 children attended British Coluimbia emergency rooms as the result of concussions. Countless more concussions may never have triggered a hospital visit.

That’s the bad news. The good news? Many oral injuries and even concussions can be prevented or at least be rendered less serious by wearing a mouth guard while participating in sports.

What types of mouth guards are there?

There are three primary types of available mouthguards in Cranbrook: stock, “boil-and-bite,” and custom. We will briefly review each type, particularly from the perspective of protecting children (but the principles are the same).

Stock mouth guards

Stock mouth guards near you are the opposite of custom fit mouth guards. In other words, they’re one size fits all — albeit in different sizes — units that you purchase off the shelf. They are not custom fit to any athlete’s mouth.

Every person’s mouth and the location of their teeth in their jaws is different. Stock mouth guards designed to fit the common denominator within a size range will provide minimal protection for the simple reason that they won’t fit. To compensate for that lack of fit, athletes may bite firmly down on a loose stock mouth guard to hold it in place. Doing so compromises your ability to speak and breathe, and forces your jaw and teeth into an unnatural and stressful position. That may increase, rather than decrease, the risk of oral injury.

“Boil-and-bite” mouth guards

Boil-and-bite mouth guards can be purchased at sporting goods stores, and are typically made of inexpensive rubber that softens and becomes pliable under high heat. To customize it to your needs, you boil it in water, then bite down into the softened material. In principle, it’s similar to making a mold in the dentist’s office. As the rubber cools, the impression you make in the mouth guard will be maintained.

While boil-and-bite mouth guards offer more protection than a stock mouth guard because they’re at least customized to the athlete’s mouth, they’re infamously uncomfortable and are known to tear easily. If you’re a parent looking to protect your child, the last thing you want to rely on is an uncomfortable mouth guard that your child probably won’t wear consistently.

Customized sports mouth guards

Because they are more comfortable and provide superior protection — as long as they fit properly — the Canadian Dental Association recommends that athletes wear a custom mouth guard rather than any over-the-counter option.

A dentist in Cranbrook can create a custom sports mouth guard that will be comfortable and provide all the necessary protection for your child’s teeth while ensuring your child can breathe properly. Your dentist can craft a mouth guard that will even protect your child if they wear braces. As your child grows and the shape of her mouth and jaw changes — or her braces are taken off, for example — ask your dentist to confirm that her mouth guard still fits properly to protect her teeth.

If your child is participating in contact sports without protection, or vulnerable to injury while using a stock or boil-and-bite mouth guard, contact a dentist near you to ask to upgrade their equipment.

Address: 25 12th Ave S #2, Cranbrook, BC V1C 2R8, Canada

How To Keep Your Mouth, Gums and Teeth Healthy

Trivia is fun…until it’s scary. Here’s a couple questions that might be more on the scary side than the fun side. How many species of bacteria are alive in your mouth at any one time? Approximately 300. How many individual bacteria may be present in your mouth at any one time? Billions. (Yes, that’s billions. With a “b”.)

Bacteria in our mouth recycle what we eat and drink by consuming the sugars in our food. Bacteria especially like sugary foods and starches — contained in pasta, bread, and cereals, for example — that are easily converted to sugar. Many bacteria are essential to our health, but it’s the byproduct of their activity that causes problems for our teeth. When bacteria consume sugars, they produce a biofilm as a waste product. We know that biofilm as dental plaque.

Dental plaque produces acids that degrade tooth enamel which results in cavities. Bacteria in that plaque produce toxic substances that aggravate the gums, leaving them red, sensitive, and quick to bleed. Those bacteria also contribute to the development of gum disease — called gingivitis in its early form, and periodontitis in its more serious form.

Preventing tooth decay

The key to good oral health is to minimize the amount of food matter — especially sugary and starchy foods — lingering on your teeth in order to minimize the amount of plaque that accumulates on your teeth and gums. To the extent that plaque does accumulate, the objective is to remove it as quickly as possible before it can cause lasting damage.

There are three keys, in addition to annual professional teeth cleanings and twice-yearly dental checkups, to maintaining good oral health: brushing, flossing, and mouthwash.


Brushing your teeth after every meal and sweetened drink — but no less frequently than twice a day — effectively removes food debris, sugary substances, and plaque from the surfaces of your teeth when done with a soft-bristled toothbrush and an antimicrobial toothbrush that contains fluoride.

Two keys to effectively brushing your teeth are to: brush all of the outer, inner, and chewing surfaces of each tooth; and to brush your tongue.


Cleaning between every tooth every day using dental floss or interdental cleaners will remove food debris, sugary substances, and plaque that accumulates between your teeth and at your gum line where toothbrushes simply can’t reach. When done properly, flossing can protect both your teeth and your gums. To help protect your gums from gum disease, gently slide your dental floss into the small gap between your gum tissue and the surface of your tooth after snuggling the floss up against the tooth itself.

Mouth rinses

Brushing and flossing sometimes leaves random food matter in and around your mouth. You can increase the cleanliness of your mouth, teeth, and gums by rinsing with an antimicrobial mouthwash. A mouthwash that contains fluoride will also help with your battle to prevent tooth decay.

Those three steps are essential things you can do yourself to protect your teeth, gums and oral health. But you’re not in this alone. Your dentist in Cranbrook and their hygienists and entire staff team are trained and available to keep your teeth clean, diagnose any threatening health issues, and respond to any tooth decay, gum disease or other health issues that may emerge.

Our dental hygienists in Cranbrook are professionally trained to keep your teeth clean, and to teach you the best practices of oral hygiene. Combined with annual teeth cleanings, twice-annual dental checkups, and dental treatment as recommended by your dentist, a commitment to daily oral hygiene will set you up for a lifetime of good oral health. Undergoing dental cleaning and exams in Cranbrook is essential to ensuring your oral health and reversing any negative issues that do arise before they become serious.

If you’ve been going it alone and want advice about best practices or some support to ensure your good oral health for your lifetime, contact a dentist near you for an assessment of your mouth and oral health. The professional team there will set up a schedule of regular dental cleaning and exams near you to get and keep you on the right track.

Address: 25 12th Ave S #2, Cranbrook, BC V1C 2R8, Canada

Why Regular Dental Cleaning is Necessary?

We often ask our patients the following question. When was the last time that you went for a dental cleaning in Cranbook? And often the answer is “I don’t remember”. Well, if they don’t remember, can you imagine how long ago that was? Probably over a year ago. And I’m sure that while you read this, you feel related.

More people than you think don’t keep up with their dental checkups. When was the last time that you went for a dental exam near you? 

It is time to put a date to it. And our family dentist in Cranbrook will tell you why.

The Importance of Dental Cleaning

Visiting a dental clinic near you for a dental cleaning has many benefits. We will list some of them below:

1.  Keeps Your Gums Healthy

Have you heard of gum disease? It is also known as periodontal disease, and it has three stages. 

The first state is Gingivitis, which you may know. Gingivitis is the inflammation of the gums due to plaque build-up. The cause is not brushing and flossing your teeth correctly. 

This condition is reversible. If you have it, you may visit a dental clinic in Cranbrook for teeth cleaning because even if you brush your teeth every day, plaque can build up beneath the gums, and only a professional may remove it.

We will discuss the other stages further.

2. Motivates You to Take Better Care of Your Dentition

After you get your teeth cleaned, you feel more content, and you get a boost on your motivation to keep After you get your teeth cleaned, you feel more content, and you get a boost on your desire to keep your dentition healthy. Regular visits to the dentist make patients get home and maintain good oral care habits daily.

3. Achieves a Whiter Smile

A dental hygienist will clean your teeth and remove surface stains that make your teeth look yellower; hence, your dentition will look brighter and whiter, and your smile will look even more beautiful!

4. Boosts Your Confidence

Your smile is your best presentation card. Nobody thinks good of a person with tartar build-up on their teeth, which is why getting your teeth cleaned makes you feel better with yourself. Your looks are more appealing, and your confidence boosts.

Studies show the link between a beautiful smile and higher self-esteem. 

5. Keeps Oral Extractions Away

Going back to gum disease, stages 2 and 3 are more serious. Your gums recede, you suffer from persistent bad breath and pain when chewing. 

Advanced periodontitis is the final stage of gum disease. The plaque keeps building up around and beneath the gums, and it hardens into tartar. When it happens, the bone that supports your teeth recedes, and your dentition lacks the structure to remain in its place. The consequence of it is shifting teeth that may even fall out. At this point, your doctor may opt for extracting the loosened remaining teeth and offer cosmetic dentistry dental procedures, such as dental implants.

If you made it this far, now you know why teeth cleanings are essential. They are a simple treatment yet maintain your dentition bright and healthy. 

Prevention is the key, so we strongly recommend you to keep brushing your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush, floss daily, avoid sugary snacks, and go for teeth cleaning in Cranbrook every six months.

And if you have questions about this topic, feel free to contact us. We have a team of caring professionals who look forward to helping you!

Address: 25 12th Ave S #2, Cranbrook, BC V1C 2R8, Canada

Alternative Treatments for Root Canals

Root canal procedure is notorious for being painful, although, with highly effective dental anesthetics and innovations in modern dentistry, that is not the case anymore. Some people still prefer to bear the pain from a severely decayed tooth and risk losing the tooth instead of undergoing a root canal. 

These apprehensions make many people looking for root canal therapy in Cranbrook wonder, what are the alternatives to a root canal? But first, let us see what a root canal is.

Essential Facts About The Root Canal Procedure

A root canal is a treatment to save a tooth suffering from severe decay. The decay could be caused by accidental trauma cracking the tooth, cavities or gum infections. When tooth decay remains untreated for a sufficiently long time, it starts impacting the soft mass of living tissue within the tooth, called the pulp. At this point, it is important to treat the decay or else the tooth will need to be extracted. 

The root canal procedure begins with cleaning and sanitizing the pulp chamber that has been infected. Then, a composite resin material called gutta-percha is filled in the pulp chamber to replace the pulp and retain the tooth structure. Finally, a crown is placed over the treated tooth to protect it against further decay.

What Are The Alternatives To A Root Canal?

Although a root canal is the best option to save a dying tooth, a dentist at the dental clinic near you might offer you other alternatives to it. However, you must bear in mind that none of these alternatives can resurrect a dying tooth in the same way. 

  1. Tooth extraction - If you want to avoid a root canal, you might end up having to extract the tooth altogether once the decay has destroyed the entire structure of the tooth. Extractions are more painful than root canals and have long-term consequences affecting your entire dental structure. Most common among the issues resulting from tooth extractions are, shifting of teeth and speech and eating difficulties. 
  2. Pulp capping - This method entails the use of a dental sealant to shut-off the opening of the tooth pulp and stop the infection. Although it might work for a while, in most cases, a root canal is eventually required to completely resolve the problem. 
  3. A dental bridge - This alternative is used if you have chosen not to undergo the root canal therapy near you in favour of tooth extraction. Once a tooth is extracted, the gap left by it must be filled up to enable your mouth to function as before. A bridge is a dental appliance that places a prosthetic in the gap by using your adjacent healthy teeth for anchorage.
  4. Dental implants - A dental implant is also a way of filling the gap left by an extracted tooth. Under this method, a metal post is placed in your jawbone to replace the roots of the lost tooth, then a crown is placed over it to restore the dental structure. Although a lengthy process, a dentist at the dental clinic in Cranbrook can guide you on the pros and cons of this treatment before recommending it.

Root Canal Vs The Alternatives

The misconception that a root canal is painful is the main culprit leading people to look for a better alternative to resolve their tooth decay. The truth is that a root canal itself is not painful. It is the pain from the severe tooth decay that causes you to think that the treatment would be painful as well. On the contrary, a root canal eliminates the pain by saving the tooth from extraction, which should always be the last resort. However, in rare cases, a dentist might recommend tooth extraction if they feel that performing a root canal may not be a long-term solution for your decayed tooth.

If you are experiencing severe pain from tooth decay, consult with our expert endodontists at Symmetry Dental to work out the best treatment plan to relieve the pain and restore your oral health to a perfect shape.

Address: 25 12th Ave S #2, Cranbrook, BC V1C 2R8, Canada

How Does What You Eat Affect Your TMJ Disorder?

Your temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the hinge that connects your jaw to your skull. Place your index finger just below your ear on either side of your head. Open and close your mouth and you’ll feel the joint at work. TMJ disorders cause a wide variety of symptoms in many people. How many? According to the Canadian Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, as many as 25 to 30% of the Canadian population experiences pain or dysfunction in their jaw and facial muscles due to TMJ dysfunction.

While the causes of TMJ dysfunction remain a topic of investigation and symptoms vary from person to person, the staff at a dental clinic in Cranbrook are familiar with related symptoms and treatment. We’ll explain some of the common symptoms of TMJ dysfunction below and talk a little bit about one essential aspect of daily living that can play a big part in your experience of TMJ issues — what you eat.

Common symptoms of TMJ disorder

The most common symptoms of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders include:

  • A painful and tender jaw
  • Pain in or near your TMJ join
  • Aching in and in the area near your ear(s)
  • Problems chewing or pain while you chew
  •  Problems opening or closing your mouth fully, or a “lock jaw” sensation
  • Aching in your facial muscles generally.

Some people also experience tinnitus (ringing in their ears, reduced hearing and a sensation of “fullness” in their ears.)

Think about what you’re eating

While there are several different forms of TMJ dysfunction and no two people’s experience is precisely the same, they all involve one thing in common — the inflammation of the temporomandibular joint. While there are many causes for that inflammation (including things like trauma and arthritic processes), food allergies may also play a role. If you are experiencing symptoms of TMJ dysfunction that aren’t easily explained, you should investigate whether food allergies may be involved. Some allergens that have been associated with TMJ inflammation and disorders include:

  • Wheat
  • Soy
  • Peanuts
  • Eggs
  • Milk

On the other hand, increasing your consumption of foods that have natural anti-inflammatory properties and that contribute to joint health generally may help. Examples of foods, vitamins and minerals to try to eat more of include fish, whole grains, dark and leafy greens and foods that contain significant amounts of Vitamin C, Vitamin E, magnesium and selenium.

TMD treatment in Cranbrook that a dentist can provide include things like providing a custom night guard to correct the positioning and contact between your teeth and changing the biting surfaces of your teeth to manipulate the tension and pressure imposed on your jaw. If such relatively simple treatments are ineffective, your dental clinic in Cranbrook will refer you to medical and surgical options for TMJ treatment near you. In many cases, though, those minor dental adjustments can reduce or eliminate all symptoms, especially when combined with lifestyle changes relating to how and what you eat. If you suffer from TMJ dysfunction symptoms, try to avoid the following:

  • Foods that you have noticed particularly aggravate your jaw and TMJ
  • Gum. Frequently and constantly chewing gum can contribute to chronic jaw pain. Try reducing how often and how long you chew gum to give your TMJ a break
  • Foods that contribute to inflammation such as processed foods, corn oil, salt, refined carbohydrates, sugars and also consuming tobacco and alcohol
  •  High impact foods that place a lot of demands on your jaw. Particular things to avoid include nuts, hard breads, candy and chewy foods such as bagels and steak.

If you’re experiencing any symptoms of TMJ dysfunction, speak to the staff at a dental clinic near you about how they can help you and you can help yourself.

Address: 25 12th Ave S #2, Cranbrook, BC V1C 2R8, Canada

An Introduction to Orthodontists and Orthodontics


Have you ever heard the saying that all apples are fruit, but not all fruits are apples? Or some version of that? You could say something similar about orthodontists. All orthodontists are dentists, but not all dentists are orthodontists. Of course, that doesn’t help you decide whether at any given moment you should make an appointment with an orthodontist or a dentist. We’ll come to that.

What is an orthodontist?

Orthodontics is a specialization of dentistry. While dentists generally dealt with your mouth, gums, teeth, jaw and associated nerves, orthodontists focus more narrowly on the alignment of your teeth and how to straighten misaligned teeth. Of course, there is a great deal of detail hidden in that summary.

An orthodontist in Cranbrook might diagnose overbites, overcrowded mouths, occlusions, misaligned teeth, and misaligned jaws. Beyond merely diagnosing those issues, an orthodontist develops, implements and supervises the completion of treatment plans to correct all those issues. An orthodontist near you may be referred to as a cosmetic dentist because they focus on the appearance of your teeth, but that should not diminish the functional and health-related importance of straight teeth and the serious consequences of misaligned teeth and bite disorders.

Orthodontists complete the same four year dentistry program as completed by all other dentists before taking an additional two to three years of training specifically related to the orthodontic specialization.

How orthodontics works

A dentist near you that specializes in orthodontics is concerned with inappropriate spacing between teeth — whether those spaces are too large between teeth or too small to accommodate all your teeth. Excessive space between teeth expands over time and degrades the tight structure that the anatomy of your mouth and gums require. On the other hand, a lack of space to accommodate all your teeth will twist teeth out of alignment and undermine a person’s ability to eat, chew, bite and even to speak.

Orthodontists use four primary tools to correct alignment issues: braces made of metal brackets bonded to teeth and connected to wires that pull teeth into alignment and straighten them over time; removable aligners that gradually shift teeth into their ideal position as a patient moves from one slightly different aligner to the next in sequence; palate expanders that widen the arch of a patient’s upper jaw to make room for teeth to align properly in extreme cases; and headgear that pulls front teeth back and slows the growth of an upper jaw growing too quickly by connecting the back of a patient’s head to the a wire in the front of their mouth.

In some instances, an orthodontist near you also needs to extract teeth in order to accomplish a treatment plan, particularly in situations where a patient’s jaw is overcrowded. An orthodontist might extract those teeth themselves, or refer the patient to a surgeon or general dentist for that procedure. 

Most commonly, a person’s general or family dentist in Cranbrook is the first to notice potential orthodontic issues in a patient’s mouth. When a dentist does notice potential issues, the dentist may refer you to an orthodontist for an assessment. More and more, a dentist near you will recommend an orthodontic consultation with an orthodontist near you even before any alignment issues pop up simply. That’s all to say, then, that you shouldn’t be concerned that you don’t have an orthodontist lined up. You can rely on your dentist to help you identify when to consult with an orthodontist, and even to suggest some alternatives.

Whether or not you have a family dentist who has expressed an opinion as to the alignment of your teeth, don’t hesitate to reach out to an orthodontist near you and to ask for an assessment of your teeth at any time. It’s never too early to confirm that all is as it should be or to identify areas of potential concern or necessary improvement.

Address: 25 12th Ave S #2, Cranbrook, BC V1C 2R8, Canada

Botox in Dentistry


Did you know that Botox is the most demanded procedure in cosmetics? I mean, who doesn’t want to look younger? I think it is safe to say that everyone wants to delay aging as long as possible, and botox near you may help you do so.

Perhaps you have seen that dental professionals are applying it and found it odd, but the truth is that a cosmetic dentist near you who has the proper training with this agent may help you get a younger look by injecting it. Look no further to know more about botox in Cranbrook.

What is Botox?

Botox is a drug that derivates from botulinic toxin. You may think that it is harmful because it is a toxin; however, it is not. On the contrary, botox near you has many benefits, and not only cosmetic ones. It is also used in small doses to treat a temporomandibular joint disorder, migraines, and muscle contractures. 

How Does it Work? 

When a cosmetic dentist in Cranbrook injects Botox, they relax the muscles of the treated area, which avoids the formation of lines and wrinkles. The action is temporary, and it works excellently in places like the sides of your mouth or the outer corner of your eyes. As a consequence, you look younger and more beautiful.

Botox and the Dental Field

Before, you would only see plastic surgeons injecting botox, but now it’s the turn of dental professionals. They may use it in many situations, such as the following:

  • Problems with the temporomandibular joint –This articulation connects the temporal bone with the jawbone and allows you to yawn, open your mouth, close your mouth, chew, bite, and speak. When you have an issue with it, you are having TMD (temporomandibular joint disorder).
  • Bruxism –It is the excessive habit of grinding your teeth, and it may end up in severe headaches, tooth sensitivity, and even fatigue (because it doesn’t let you sleep correctly).
  • Gummy smiles –Botox injections in the upper lip is an option to treat a gummy smile.
  • Lips Touch-Up – For example, if you need an adjustment after getting a new set of dentures, your dental professional may suggest injecting Botox.  

Make the Best Out of Your Botox Treatment

Once you have undergone your Botox injections, you must follow these recommendations for better results:

  • Avoid touching your face for 24 hours –If you do, you may move the toxin to areas where it is not needed, which may endanger a nerve.
  • Avoid exercising right after – Unless it is a light workout. If you are planning to go hard, it is best to wait 48 hours to avoid any discomfort.
  • Sleep on your back – We advise you to sleep in this position for at least the first night to avoid interfering with the treated muscles.
  • Move naturally – Many people avoid making natural facial gestures, afraid of interfering with the treatment; however, you may frown and smile afterward without a problem. You might feel weird at first, but in a little time, you will feel as if nothing happened; plus, you will look more beautiful!  

There is some debating about whether dentists should or shouldn’t inject botox; however, given that they are one of the professionals that have more training and experience with facial health, there are no reasons why they should not.

We advise you to look for a cosmetic dentist that has done botox training courses for better results, and if you have any other questions about the procedure, feel free to contact our dental offices. Our team will be looking forward to helping you with any concerns you may have.

Address: 25 12th Ave S #2, Cranbrook, BC V1C 2R8, Canada

Dental Implants Can Solve Aesthetic Problems

Studies show that missing a tooth can decrease your self-esteem. Many patients lack self-confidence because they lost one or many teeth; however, losing a tooth doesn’t have to be the end of the world nowadays. If you visit our dentist in Cranbrook, they will offer many options to restore them.

Let’s talk about dental implants!

Dental implants in Cranbrook are metal devices that a surgeon or a periodontist places inside your jawbone to replace the root of the missing tooth. Even though it sounds painful, you will be numbed and won’t feel a thing. We will explain the complete procedure further.

Consequences of Not Replacing a Lost Tooth

  • Dental gaps – Losing a tooth leaves a space in your mouth. When it is a back tooth, it may not be visible; however, a missing front tooth is quite unattractive. Also, dental gaps lead to food sticking, and it’s harder for you to clean your teeth.
  • Low self-confidence – As we mentioned above, you may experience low self-esteem when you are missing many teeth.
  • The adjacent teeth move – Over time, the adjacent teeth will rotate because they will move to fill the space.
  • Abnormalities when eating – Eating without one or many teeth can be quite uncomfortable for the patient, and you might have to avoid eating some hard foods.
  • Higher risk of decay – When you lose a tooth, the opposite side of the mouth does more chewing, and it can lead to more tooth decay.
  • Sunken appearance – Your jawbone gets stimulated by the chewing forces; so, if you miss one or many teeth, the bone deteriorates and shrinks, causing you to look older.
  • Vulnerable to gum disease – Food particles and bacteria are likely to get trapped in the gap, irritating your gums and making you more vulnerable to periodontal disease.

If you made it this far, now you know what happens if you don’t replace a missing tooth. Luckily, dental implants can keep all these issues away. Let’s talk about treatment.

What to Expect

First, a dentist near you will evaluate your teeth and gums to detect if you have any oral issues to take care of before the surgery.

Your surgeon will take a set of x-rays and computed tomography to see the condition of your bone.

During the procedure, he or she will drill a hole in your jawbone to place the implant. The implant takes from six weeks to six months to integrate with the bone (osseointegration), and after this period, your dentist will cement the permanent dental crown on top for a natural look.

Benefits of Implants

Even though it is considered a cosmetic procedure, dental implants solve many aesthetic problems. They have the following benefits:

  • Boost your self-confidence – Replacing your missing teeth improves your appearance and makes you more self-confident. You will be ready to show a beautiful smile once again!
  • Feel natural – Unlike dentures, dental implants don’t have a learning curve. You will feel and look as natural as before losing your tooth.
  • Long-lasting – Dental implants can last many decades and even up to a lifetime. Sure, they are pricey, but the investment is worth it.
  • Easy care – There is no need for special maintenance. Brush your teeth twice a day, floss daily, avoid consuming foods high in sugars and keep up with your dental checkups. If you are a smoker, your dental professional will advise you to avoid it because it makes your gums more vulnerable to irritation.

Do you have any other questions? Feel free to contact us, and we will gladly help you.

The smile you deserve is only one phone call away!

Address: 25 12th Ave S #2, Cranbrook, BC V1C 2R8, Canada