Did you know that the greatest number of sports injuries affecting British Columbia athletes occurs amongst people aged 10 to 19? For kids aged 10 to 14, the biggest risk of injury is posed by tobogganing. Beyond the age of 15, though, the biggest risks are posed by sports like football, rugby, soccer, hockey, skateboarding, diving and being hit by a ball in all kinds of different sports — recreational or competitive.
Too many of those injuries are inflicted on the mouths and teeth of young athletes. Oral injuries may involve chipped, cracked and broken teeth, lacerations and bruises — and may also involve head injuries and concussions. In 2014/2015 alone, 6,800 children attended British Coluimbia emergency rooms as the result of concussions. Countless more concussions may never have triggered a hospital visit.
That’s the bad news. The good news? Many oral injuries and even concussions can be prevented or at least be rendered less serious by wearing a mouth guard while participating in sports.
What types of mouth guards are there?
There are three primary types of available mouthguards in Cranbrook: stock, “boil-and-bite,” and custom. We will briefly review each type, particularly from the perspective of protecting children (but the principles are the same).
Stock mouth guards
Stock mouth guards near you are the opposite of custom fit mouth guards. In other words, they’re one size fits all — albeit in different sizes — units that you purchase off the shelf. They are not custom fit to any athlete’s mouth.
Every person’s mouth and the location of their teeth in their jaws is different. Stock mouth guards designed to fit the common denominator within a size range will provide minimal protection for the simple reason that they won’t fit. To compensate for that lack of fit, athletes may bite firmly down on a loose stock mouth guard to hold it in place. Doing so compromises your ability to speak and breathe, and forces your jaw and teeth into an unnatural and stressful position. That may increase, rather than decrease, the risk of oral injury.
“Boil-and-bite” mouth guards
Boil-and-bite mouth guards can be purchased at sporting goods stores, and are typically made of inexpensive rubber that softens and becomes pliable under high heat. To customize it to your needs, you boil it in water, then bite down into the softened material. In principle, it’s similar to making a mold in the dentist’s office. As the rubber cools, the impression you make in the mouth guard will be maintained.
While boil-and-bite mouth guards offer more protection than a stock mouth guard because they’re at least customized to the athlete’s mouth, they’re infamously uncomfortable and are known to tear easily. If you’re a parent looking to protect your child, the last thing you want to rely on is an uncomfortable mouth guard that your child probably won’t wear consistently.
Customized sports mouth guards
Because they are more comfortable and provide superior protection — as long as they fit properly — the Canadian Dental Association recommends that athletes wear a custom mouth guard rather than any over-the-counter option.
A dentist in Cranbrook can create a custom sports mouth guard that will be comfortable and provide all the necessary protection for your child’s teeth while ensuring your child can breathe properly. Your dentist can craft a mouth guard that will even protect your child if they wear braces. As your child grows and the shape of her mouth and jaw changes — or her braces are taken off, for example — ask your dentist to confirm that her mouth guard still fits properly to protect her teeth.
If your child is participating in contact sports without protection, or vulnerable to injury while using a stock or boil-and-bite mouth guard, contact a dentist near you to ask to upgrade their equipment.