Why Regular Dental Cleaning is Necessary?

We often ask our patients the following question. When was the last time that you went for a dental cleaning in Cranbook? And often the answer is “I don’t remember”. Well, if they don’t remember, can you imagine how long ago that was? Probably over a year ago. And I’m sure that while you read this, you feel related.

More people than you think don’t keep up with their dental checkups. When was the last time that you went for a dental exam near you? 

It is time to put a date to it. And our family dentist in Cranbrook will tell you why.

The Importance of Dental Cleaning

Visiting a dental clinic near you for a dental cleaning has many benefits. We will list some of them below:

1.  Keeps Your Gums Healthy

Have you heard of gum disease? It is also known as periodontal disease, and it has three stages. 

The first state is Gingivitis, which you may know. Gingivitis is the inflammation of the gums due to plaque build-up. The cause is not brushing and flossing your teeth correctly. 

This condition is reversible. If you have it, you may visit a dental clinic in Cranbrook for teeth cleaning because even if you brush your teeth every day, plaque can build up beneath the gums, and only a professional may remove it.

We will discuss the other stages further.

2. Motivates You to Take Better Care of Your Dentition

After you get your teeth cleaned, you feel more content, and you get a boost on your motivation to keep After you get your teeth cleaned, you feel more content, and you get a boost on your desire to keep your dentition healthy. Regular visits to the dentist make patients get home and maintain good oral care habits daily.

3. Achieves a Whiter Smile

A dental hygienist will clean your teeth and remove surface stains that make your teeth look yellower; hence, your dentition will look brighter and whiter, and your smile will look even more beautiful!

4. Boosts Your Confidence

Your smile is your best presentation card. Nobody thinks good of a person with tartar build-up on their teeth, which is why getting your teeth cleaned makes you feel better with yourself. Your looks are more appealing, and your confidence boosts.

Studies show the link between a beautiful smile and higher self-esteem. 

5. Keeps Oral Extractions Away

Going back to gum disease, stages 2 and 3 are more serious. Your gums recede, you suffer from persistent bad breath and pain when chewing. 

Advanced periodontitis is the final stage of gum disease. The plaque keeps building up around and beneath the gums, and it hardens into tartar. When it happens, the bone that supports your teeth recedes, and your dentition lacks the structure to remain in its place. The consequence of it is shifting teeth that may even fall out. At this point, your doctor may opt for extracting the loosened remaining teeth and offer cosmetic dentistry dental procedures, such as dental implants.

If you made it this far, now you know why teeth cleanings are essential. They are a simple treatment yet maintain your dentition bright and healthy. 

Prevention is the key, so we strongly recommend you to keep brushing your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush, floss daily, avoid sugary snacks, and go for teeth cleaning in Cranbrook every six months.

And if you have questions about this topic, feel free to contact us. We have a team of caring professionals who look forward to helping you!

Address: 25 12th Ave S #2, Cranbrook, BC V1C 2R8, Canada